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Our Location

Our experienced, caring team at Elizabethtown Eyecare is ready to help you and your family. Call us now to book your appointment(s). Or stop by to check out our wide variety of hand-picked designer and practical eyewear.

Our Address

  • 103 Diecks Drive
  • Elizabethtown, KY 42701

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 8:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Thursday: 8:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Friday: 8:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed
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Our Blogs

Non-Glare Lenses: A Necessity

Eye Health and Diseases

Non-Glare Lenses: A Necessity If you wear glasses, you might notice the difference between lenses that have an anti-reflective coating from those that don’t. Anti-reflective coating, or non-glare lenses not only improve your vision but help reduce eye strain and makes your eyeglasses look more attractive. What exactly are non-glare lenses? Anti-reflective, or non-glare glasses […]

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May 1, 2021
Elizabethtown Eye Care

Eyewear for Every Occasion

Eye Health and Diseases

Your look might change depending on the day, so shouldn’t your eyewear change, as well? These days, it’s uncommon for one pair of eyeglasses to satisfy all of your needs. Specialty eyewear can help you optimize your vision for any occasion! Below are a few occasions where specialty eyewear can improve your vision. Computer Glasses […]

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February 1, 2021
Elizabethtown Eye Care

Children’s Vision Protocol

Eye Health and Diseases

Children constantly grow and change. Their clothes become too small, their shoes become too tight, and their skills become more advanced. Although for parents, these stepping stones may happen too fast, it’s a part of life. It is important to get your children’s vision regularly checked to keep up with this constant activity throughout their […]

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January 1, 2021
Elizabethtown Eye Care

Non-Glare Lenses: A Necessity If you wear glasses, you might notice the difference between lenses that have an anti-reflective coating from those that don’t. Anti-reflective coating, or non-glare lenses not only improve your vision but help reduce eye strain and makes your eyeglasses look more attractive. What exactly are non-glare lenses? Anti-reflective, or non-glare glasses […]

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Your look might change depending on the day, so shouldn’t your eyewear change, as well? These days, it’s uncommon for one pair of eyeglasses to satisfy all of your needs. Specialty eyewear can help you optimize your vision for any occasion! Below are a few occasions where specialty eyewear can improve your vision. Computer Glasses […]

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Children constantly grow and change. Their clothes become too small, their shoes become too tight, and their skills become more advanced. Although for parents, these stepping stones may happen too fast, it’s a part of life. It is important to get your children’s vision regularly checked to keep up with this constant activity throughout their […]

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